Why was my ITF deleted from website?

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Why was my ITF deleted from website?

Post by bj »

I submitted a transfer to I fund on 7/16/20 and my fantasy account updated allocation for a few days. Once the software on this website was updated the transfer was cancelled and now my fantasy balance is not accurate.
What happened and can my account be corrected by administrators?

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Re: Why was my ITF deleted from website?

Post by mjedlin66 »

Because of a bug that was posted about the day after:


Send me a PM. Locking the thread.
Owner/creator of TSPcalc.com - "Know your numbers"


Fund Prices2025-02-14

G $18.86 0.01% 0.57%
F $19.69 0.32% 1.10%
C $96.75 0.02% 4.11%
S $94.73 0.13% 5.08%
I $44.47 -0.13% 6.15%
L2070 $10.93 -0.02% 4.91%
L2065 $18.44 -0.02% 4.92%
L2060 $18.44 -0.02% 4.92%
L2055 $18.45 -0.02% 4.91%
L2050 $36.36 0.01% 4.19%
L2045 $16.50 0.01% 3.98%
L2040 $59.95 0.01% 3.75%
L2035 $15.74 0.01% 3.50%
L2030 $52.08 0.01% 3.24%
L2025 $14.02 0.02% 1.89%
Linc $27.21 0.02% 1.76%

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Pending Allocations

Under development. For now, you may view Pending Allocations by going to "fantasy TSP" and selecting "Leaderboard sort" of "Pending Allocations".