Member’s Choice as Best Fund

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Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by Tomanyiron »

Matt I know you have enough work already, but maybe later on. I have an idea, I will throw out there. Something I’ve thought about a while.
A type of “Best Members Fund Choice Percents”.

1- It would start with members with Fantasy accounts 360 days or older.
2- Basted on their return for the past 360 days, they would get a score.
3- The fund they are in (right now) would be multiplied times their score.
4- The end result might look something like this:

S fund 85%
C fund 76%
I fund 23%
F fund 21%
G fund 19%

Comments are welcome

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by ProduceMan »

Tomanyiron, can you give an example of the math involved please.
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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by bloobs »

ProduceMan wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:41 am Tomanyiron, can you give an example of the math involved please.
In addition to the formula requested by Produceman, can you also provide the logic or reasoning behind the formula. It's not computing for me right now.
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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by Tomanyiron »

ProduceMan wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:41 am Tomanyiron, can you give an example of the math involved please.
Well right now you can go to the “Leaderboard sort”, and select 1 Year.
It shows Pablo at the top with116.43% return for past year. He is 100% S right now.

So that puts 116.43 in the S fund column. There are several more under him (her) also in the S fund, there returns also added into the S fund column.

At # 8 is Blossom with 101.60% and in the C. So that gets put in the C fund column.

At #22 is High Rise, with 74.28%, and all G. So that would put 74.28 in the G fund column.

I don’t think it’s hard to understand. But might be difficult write the code, and display the tally each day.

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by Tomanyiron »

bloobs wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:49 am T
In addition to the formula requested by Produceman, can you also provide the logic or reasoning behind the formula. It's not computing for me right now.
Are you kidding me? You don't see a benefit from knowing these numbers?
Sometimes simple ideas just go right over the head of extremely smart people. :lol:

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by cartmedl »

It would be nice to see this data. I would like to know similar data with respect to chosen seasonal strategy if a member is following one.

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by bloobs »

Tomanyiron wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:17 pm
bloobs wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:49 am T
In addition to the formula requested by Produceman, can you also provide the logic or reasoning behind the formula. It's not computing for me right now.
Are you kidding me? You don't see a benefit from knowing these numbers?
Sometimes simple ideas just go right over the head of extremely smart people. :lol:
I am not smart (several users here will attest to that) but i am (annoyingly) curious.

To prove this lack of intellect or denseness, i tried but cannot follow what the value of the resulting "score" would be--per your formula below.
Tomanyiron wrote:1- It would start with members with Fantasy accounts 360 days or older.
2- Basted on their return for the past 360 days, they would get a score.
3- The fund they are in (right now) would be multiplied times their score.
4- The end result might look something like this:

S fund 85%
C fund 76%
I fund 23%
F fund 21%
G fund 19%
In step 2, what is the "score" based on? 360-day Leaderboard ranking?
In step 3, what exactly are you multiplying against this score?
In step 4, why use percentage as the unit of measure? Percentage of what?

I know, i am being dense and perhaps hungover after the big game yesterday but humor me please as I detoxify my liver :oops:

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by Tomanyiron »

In step 2, what is the "score" based on? 360-day Leaderboard ranking? it's their percent for past 360 days
In step 3, what exactly are you multiplying against this score? "Multiply" might not be the best word. Total of members returns, that are now in that fund.
In step 4, why use percentage as the unit of measure? Percentage of what? OK, use just the numbers.

Can you understand the concept of "Members Choice as the Best Fund", with the member's returns providing more evidence of which fund you should be in right now?

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by tspwizard1 »

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by gbnooks207 »

I get and kind-of like the idea but how do you capture for a member that uses a blend of funds or a member that picks a fund and then doesn't keep active with the website (goes away)?

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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by mjedlin66 »

gbnooks207 wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:31 pm I get and kind-of like the idea but how do you capture for a member that uses a blend of funds or a member that picks a fund and then doesn't keep active with the website (goes away)?
I can exclude people who haven't logged in for 60+ days.
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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by mjedlin66 »

How about something that lets you stipulate both:

1) A timeframe (360-days, for example)
2) A number of users for inclusion (top 40, for example)

And then calculates their average position, right now, on the fly?
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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by Tomanyiron »

mjedlin66 wrote: Mon Feb 08, 2021 9:47 pm How about something that lets you stipulate both:

1) A timeframe (360-days, for example)
2) A number of users for inclusion (top 40, for example)

And then calculates their average position, right now, on the fly?
Sounds even better, I didn't want to ask for too much. :D
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Re: Member’s Choice as Best Fund

Post by gbnooks207 »

Sounds like it would be a good tool to use. Any additional tool is a very good thing!

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Fund Prices2025-02-18

G $18.87 0.05% 0.62%
F $19.62 -0.36% 0.74%
C $97.00 0.26% 4.38%
S $95.15 0.44% 5.54%
I $44.75 0.62% 6.80%
L2070 $10.97 0.40% 5.34%
L2065 $18.52 0.40% 5.34%
L2060 $18.52 0.40% 5.34%
L2055 $18.52 0.40% 5.34%
L2050 $36.47 0.31% 4.52%
L2045 $16.55 0.29% 4.28%
L2040 $60.12 0.28% 4.04%
L2035 $15.78 0.26% 3.77%
L2030 $52.21 0.24% 3.49%
L2025 $14.04 0.13% 2.02%
Linc $27.25 0.12% 1.89%

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Pending Allocations

Under development. For now, you may view Pending Allocations by going to "fantasy TSP" and selecting "Leaderboard sort" of "Pending Allocations".