YTD listings

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YTD listings

Post by JayJ »

Good morning TSP King,

Now I don't really care about the Leader Board 'cause the real objective is in my real TSP... but I do look at it now and then. I would suggest one change. The YTD listing currently shows everyone no matter when they started during the year. (It does show the date they started as well.) I think the YTD should work like the other time intervals do, that is, if a person hasn't been in long enough (in the case of YTD, since Jan 1), they shouldn't appear in the listing, except maybe at the end with the italics. Otherwise, with everyone starting on different dates, it's meaningless like comparing apples and oranges. Just a suggestion.

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Post by TSPking »

JayJ. Great suggestion and one that will be used starting in 2009. Since we didn't have that many participants on Jan 1, 2008, I decided to just list everyone in the YTD. Otherwise, it would be a rather thin list...

In 2009, the YTD will be altered to only show returns for those who were active for the entire 2009 trading year (12/31/08 and on). I will either have a second expanded YTD section to include everyone with start dates or an integrated YTD as you suggested. I haven't decided how to handle it yet.

I like suggestions. Thank you for make one :P

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YTD still shows late joiners

Post by JayJ »


This is not a complaint, but, in a previous post (Dec 28, 2008) I wrote:

"The YTD listing currently shows everyone no matter when they started during the year. (It does show the date they started as well.) I think the YTD should work like the other time intervals do, that is, if a person hasn't been in long enough (in the case of YTD, since Jan 1), they shouldn't appear in the listing, except maybe at the end with the italics. Otherwise, with everyone starting on different dates, it's meaningless like comparing apples and oranges."

Wondering if you decided not to change this.

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Post by TSPking »

JayJ, thanks for the reminder. On the Leader Board by Calendar Year page, there is now the option to "Show true ytd returns only". The default view is to show everyone.

Let me know if this is a reasonable compromise. I'm trying to avoid people having to wait a whole year to see themselves on the ytd Leader Board.

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Post by JayJ »

Thanks TSPking,

That is great. I swear I never noticed that option before! It reduces the number of pages I have to go through to see my ranking (which will probably never be near the top!). Also, it isn't fair for people who skipped the disasterous first part of January to be so high, unless they were smart enough to be out of the market then. I appreciate your responding to my request (and everyone elses as well).


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Post by TSPking »

no problem. I'm glad its useful.

fwiw, it wasn't on the site before today. Your post served as a reminder to set it up...

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