Editing info. on "My Watch List "

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Editing info. on "My Watch List "

Post by brinky »

Could the "Watch List" on everyones account be modified in order to add your own note to each account on your list? if so, could this information be sent to your e-mail when that individual makes a pending change? This would help you to quickly identify why you added them to your watch list, if you are watching several accounts. examples:
coliervile "2011 top return"
TSPProphet "Timed the mkt. well in 2010"
wwwtractor " Went to "G" same day as me"
TSPking "Making steady gains"

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Re: Editing info. on "My Watch List "

Post by inthecloud »

Yes, that would be a good feature. Thought about that back when I was setting up most of my watch list. Didn't think I'd remember specifically why some people were put on there (example...do the opposite of what Mr X guy does).

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Fund Prices2025-02-14

G $18.86 0.01% 0.57%
F $19.69 0.32% 1.10%
C $96.75 0.02% 4.11%
S $94.73 0.13% 5.08%
I $44.47 -0.13% 6.15%
L2070 $10.93 -0.02% 4.91%
L2065 $18.44 -0.02% 4.92%
L2060 $18.44 -0.02% 4.92%
L2055 $18.45 -0.02% 4.91%
L2050 $36.36 0.01% 4.19%
L2045 $16.50 0.01% 3.98%
L2040 $59.95 0.01% 3.75%
L2035 $15.74 0.01% 3.50%
L2030 $52.08 0.01% 3.24%
L2025 $14.02 0.02% 1.89%
Linc $27.21 0.02% 1.76%

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