Don't I get a trophy for "2008 Best Performance" ? I can understand Didsaster getting the Highest Annual Return since he was vested for the entire year but since my annual return bested his it should merit an award. performance" award.
Also Dr. Pain deserves a "Best Comeback" award for 2008. When you look at his annual return, including the loss that he made up, his performance actually exceeded mine
It was actually Didsaster who made the comeback performance, not Dr. pain. Sorry for the mix-up. Sooooo, Didsaster should also get a Best Comeback award !!!! Actually I should get the Highest Annual Return Award and Did. should get a Best Performance award
Hell, i've been following your lead a bit, and have regained some of my losses.....I appreciate all the expertise offered on this site...idiot investor???? that would be me....thanks for the learning experience and the leadership....
Who gives a damn about these awards? I should get a "buy high sell low" sympathy award. You can keep the awards, I'd just like to be financially able to retire soon.
That said, I am curious why there is no March winner for the $25 jackpot.
I'm glad to see that the post sparked some life in the TSPc Community. I was beginning to think that everyone had given up on this site.
JayJ- Instead of the subject title, "Where's the Beef"? I should be asking "What's the Beef". The 1st qtr of 09 is over and your only down a paltry 1.32%. You have a lot of time to make that up. I don't agree with your consensus that you buy high and sell low. I took a look at your allocation history and it looks like you are applying to much discipline to your financial decisions, just the opposite of the uniformed investor. I'm sure that you know of countless co-workers who did not exercise any discipline and watched their TSP acct's decline 20%, Then 30%, and 40% and on-and-on). Last year when TSPk allowed unlimited IFT's, I was day trading like crazy BUT, I set a mental stop loss of 2.5% on my trades and in fact, exercised an IFT a number of times to cut my losses. When TSPk changed the IFT to twice a month I reset my stop loss to 5%. By comarison I notice that you are exercising IFT's when sustaining a loss of less than 1%. You may want to re-evaluate the level of risk your willing to take in seeking greater profits or alternatively, execute IFT's that preserve the greater part of your capital. Your right! And your right. It's not about the awards and who can post the best gains for the year. The best thing this web site offers is a forum for networking and analysing accts to see what works and what doesn't. I posted a reply to Peaceful-B recently which stated that sucsessful investing requires equal parts greed, prudence and patience. Likewise, a postive approach to investing requires self-discipline, a willingness to cut losses and to take nominal profits off the table. Heck, I posted a miniscule .80% gain this month and if I could repeat that every month I'll be more than satisfied with the 6.4% gain at the end of the year.
MKW52, An idiot is someone who consistently makes the same mistakes over and over and I could post a 15 blog on some bone-head financial decisions I made, BUT through years of trial and error I learned not to make the same mistakes twice. Your showing an impressive 1.22% gain at the end of the 1st Qtr and even if your performance was no better for the remaining three qtrs, it would still give you a respectable 4.88% return at year end. Don't forget, we're still in a Bear Mkt and anyone who can consistently make positive gains in the present mkt. needs to pat themselves on the back. Also, I'm going to share some sage advice the old man gave me years ago and how I applied it in the financial mkt. Pop's once told me that when the taxi driver was discussing going into the mkt, the co-workers who never mentioned stocks were talking about purchasing shares of this-and-that and your high school drop-out second cousin was bragging about the profits he's making having recently invested in Mutual funds, it was time to get the hell out of the market. Well, in February 2007 I was watching a segment on MNBC where the reporter was interviewing two guys who owned an auto mechanic shop. These guys were elated taking about how they were going to invest about $15,000.00 in the mkt and were looking to make about $30,000.00 The reporter asked what Company's they were interested in and they both stuttered and stammered and finally threw out some well known names like Apple and Coca-Cola. Now these guys were probably great auto mechanics but it was apparent that they knew nothing abouth the stock market. One look at that interview and I realized this was exactly what the old man was talking about. Needless to say, I got out of the equities positions and allocated 95% to the G-Fund, 5%-F. . I sat out the next couple of months watching my fellow employees take phenomenal gains in the I-fund and bragging how they were going to be millionares in the next three years. Well, to make a long story short, we all know what direction the mkt took in Sept-07 and where it headed since then and a lot of the wanna-be-millionares watched their portfolio's drop 50% in value. Warren Buffet probably summed it up best. You need to sell when everyone's buying and buy when there's blood in the street and right now those street are looking pretty bloody.
Well, I missed the biggest move since the 30's by staying in the G fund. I may be being a bit conservative because I thought this was a dead cat bounce. I didn't think it would have any legs.
I suppose I will start buying back in on the pull backs.
I was sad because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet. So I said, "Got any shoes you're not using?" -- Steven Wright
You have me pegged exactly right. I don't tolerate big losses. I understand that little daily losses will happen any time one is invested, even in a bull market. I am a little frustrated right now. I had to get out last week because it was the end of March and I did not want to use up one of my April IFTs to cut losses. So of course right away while I am out of the market the C,S&I funds shoot up 5% to 7% in one day. Except for the stupid 2-trade limit (and the end of the month) I would have stayed in to see if the rally was actually finished. Then, feeling that such a large one-day increase in the face of questionable news shows some strength left in the current bear market rally, and knowing that such a large one-day increase will certainly be followed by a correction the next day, I get in again using one of my April IFTs. So what happens, the C,S,I, go up even more the next day, ensuring that I buy high. I guarantee you that today the correction I expected yesterday will come and spank me again.
I do ! After Sept 09, TSPk set it up identical to the TSP site so you could only do two IFT's. I know my allocation history shows more than two trades a month. Thats because I take advantage of the system TSP has that allows UNLIMITED transfers back into the G-Fund. For instance I percieve an overbought market. I wait for the correction and buy (1st IFT) equities (say S-Fund). When the fund rallies I sell (2nd IFT) and move everytning to the F-Fund. On F-Fund advances I make incremental exchanges to the G-Fund. Those F to G exchanges don't count against the 2-IFT rule (at TSP or this site).