idiq wrote:That in turn allows you to make decisions on when to make changes, who to follow closely, etc...
Yeah but then you would no longer be tracking your own TSP balance anymore... I think the whole point of the fantasy TSP is to do exactly what you are saying, maybe the ability to create multiple FantasyTSPs would be better, without worrying if it matches your actual balance. Additionally there could just be a setting to contribute X amount every 2 weeks which the user can input. For the most part our biweekly contributions dont change often, and when they do you can just either make a one time contribution to even it out or increase the biweekly contribution.
Personally I think a useful feature would be the ability to get emails when each of the funds crosses their 10, 20, 50, 100, and 200 day moving averages. Also, the ability to retrospectively evaluate trading rules/theories would be awesome... for example 'buy when C fund crosses 200 DMA, etc.