My TSPCenter suggestions & feature requests

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My TSPCenter suggestions & feature requests

Post by flight23 »

I love this site, thanks so much for making all of this information easily accessible since it isnt available on the TSP site itself. Here are a few things I would love to see whenever you have the time, if they are at all possible:

1. Ability to get set email alerts when given funds cross their moving averages (5,10,20,50,100,200 etc).

2. Ability to retrospectively evaluate trading rules. For example, buying when C crosses above 200 DMA and buying G/F when C crosses below 200 DMA.

3. FantasyTSP - Ability to sort users by annualized return since they joined, with it excluding users who have not been on the site longer than 3 or 6 months.

4. FantasyTSP - Ability to sort users by return since the day I joined (to level the playing field, per say). This isnt that important since you can sort by return for the last week, month, etc.

DONE 5. FantasyTSP - Ability to sort by total portfolio value.

FIXED?6. I noticed that sometimes when I make Moving Average charts over a longer time period (6-12 months) sometimes about 30-50% of the Y axis is below the lowest value of the funds being charted so the lines are scrunched together. Is it possible to remove that wasted space and/or make the charts larger?

7. Not sure how possible this is but maybe something like a 'trend' graph showing whether the top 20-30 Fantasy TSP users have been migrating towards one fund or another recently... Perhaps just take a snapshot of who the top performers were for the past 60 or 180 days and then show a month by month or week by week graph of the % of total funds invested in each fund over that time.
So for example with 2 users lets say user 1 was 50% G and 50% S in month 1, and user 2 was 50% G and 50% I in month 1. In month 2 this changes to User 1 50% S 50% I and user 2 100% I.
The chart would then show month 1 50% S, 25% G, 25% I, and month 2 25% S, 75% I. This would show that the top users were migrating towards the I fund.
Last edited by flight23 on Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:53 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by flight23 »

Two more:

DONE 8. I would like to be able to plot other users' graphs against the moving averages of the fund prices. For example I would like to take the current leaders chart and be able to see it at the same time as the 10, 20, 50, and 100 day moving averages of one of the funds.

9. On the TSP Charts is it possible to make the X-axis markings the beginning of each month rather than random dates? This would help in determining when our 2 trades each month gets refreshed. Also perhaps depending on the time period small markings for each day or week? If it is less than 60 days maybe a small mark every day, if it is between 60 days and 180 days every week?

EDIT: Some more..
10. On the TSP calculator page it would be nice if once you input all the information and hit submit, when it pops up the bar graph of your projected returns if you had the input boxes on that same page, automatically populated with what you just entered so that you can make quick modifications and re-submit without having to go back a page and re-inputting everything.

11. On the moving averages chart it would be great if there was an option to show a MACD at the bottom like you get at the bottom of the site. If that isnt possible even a separate graph for that would be helpful. Info on the MACD calculation is here:

EDIT (9/15/10):
12: Custom moving average timespan (ie 27 day, 35 day....)

13. Ability to personalize pages such as the 'TSP Charts & Moving averages' page. For example when I load that page I want it to show a 3 month chart of the S fund with 20, 50, and 100 day moving averages. Also, maybe the ability to have that page show multiple charts so that you can either show moving averages of each of the funds at the same time, or show the S fund in 3 month increments for the past year.

14: Leader board - Ive noticed that more frequently than not a lot of the leaders in a given time period have the same % gain because either they are following each other or are 100% in one fund that outperformed. Is it possible to make the leaderboard such that lets say for the 30 day time period the top person has 10% gain, then 9 people have 8.5% gain, 4 people have 7% gain, one person has 6% and one has 5% that it would group people like this...
30 day leaders:
1. Person A 10%
2. Nine people 8.5% (click to see 9 people)
11. Four people 7% (click to see 4 people)
15. Person B 6%
16. Person C 5%

15: Show 5/15/30/90/180/360 day ranks on a person's fantasy TSP page next to their performance for that time period.

16. Leaderboard by date range - So that we can see who has done the best over a custom time period (ie down markets, up markets, etc).
Last edited by flight23 on Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:53 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by TSPking »

These are great ideas, thanks for the suggestions. Some of them will be a bit hard to implement but I will look at each of them since I think they would add a lot to the site.

I'll begin with #5 since its the easiest to handle

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Post by TSPking »

#5 (Ability to sort by total portfolio value) is pretty much done

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King, how about

Post by crondanet5 »

breaking up the leader list into 2 groups, those over 110,000 in value and those under, or whatever value you decide? The reason I suggest this is the percentages skew results because a person with 135,000 in the G could percentilely beat the 98,000 investor in the S or I just because of the account value. Such a grouping might help those who want to aggressively increase their accounts as opposed to those seeking conservation. What do you think?

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Re: King, how about

Post by TSPking »

crondanet5 wrote:...the percentages skew results because a person with 135,000 in the G could percentilely beat the 98,000 investor in the S or I just because of the account value...

I don't think this is true. If two members are in the S Fund and the S Fund goes up 1%, each member's FantasyTSP account will show a 1% increase regardless of the value of their account balances...

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Post by flight23 »

TSPking wrote:#5 (Ability to sort by total portfolio value) is pretty much done

Awesome, I appreciate you even making the attempt at any of these. Hopefully in the end we'll all retire wealthier as a result :)

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Post by flight23 »

Added more in the second post..
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Post by TSPking »

Can you give me steps to reproduce #6? I don't see that behavior.

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Post by flight23 »

Ok so it seems to only happen if you do something under moving averages. I did S fund with 10 day moving average from January 09 to the current date and it did it.
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Post by flight23 »

Added a couple more..
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Post by TSPking »

12 looks easy. 13 shouldn't be too bad either.

Thanks for the suggestions. I haven't forgotten these but have been working on some other items. Will take care of 12 first.

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Post by flight23 »

Thanks, I appreciate it. How hard is #1? That is actually the thing that would help most, since most of my trades are based on that. Right now I manually check each night but here and there I miss a night or two and then end up trading a day or two late.
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Post by TSPking »

flight23 wrote:6. I noticed that sometimes when I make Moving Average charts over a longer time period (6-12 months) sometimes about 30-50% of the Y axis is below the lowest value of the funds being charted so the lines are scrunched together. Is it possible to remove that wasted space and/or make the charts larger?

8. I would like to be able to plot other users' graphs against the moving averages of the fund prices. For example I would like to take the current leaders chart and be able to see it at the same time as the 10, 20, 50, and 100 day moving averages of one of the funds.

#6 and #8 are done.

#6 was only a problem with the Flash (interactive) charts only I believe.

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Re: Re:

Post by flight23 »

#6 and #8 are done.

#6 was only a problem with the Flash (interactive) charts only I believe.

Actually Im still getting the issue with #6, and I only use the non-interactive charts. Do this:
20, 50, and 100 day moving averages plotted from 4-1-08 to today's date against the S fund.

That gives me a chart where the lowest value of the moving averages or fund is approximately $9 but the Y axis starts at $0 so about the bottom 50% of the graph is blank, scruching up all the lines in the top half.
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Post Reply

Fund Prices2025-02-14

G $18.86 0.01% 0.57%
F $19.69 0.32% 1.10%
C $96.75 0.02% 4.11%
S $94.73 0.13% 5.08%
I $44.47 -0.13% 6.15%
L2070 $10.93 -0.02% 4.91%
L2065 $18.44 -0.02% 4.92%
L2060 $18.44 -0.02% 4.92%
L2055 $18.45 -0.02% 4.91%
L2050 $36.36 0.01% 4.19%
L2045 $16.50 0.01% 3.98%
L2040 $59.95 0.01% 3.75%
L2035 $15.74 0.01% 3.50%
L2030 $52.08 0.01% 3.24%
L2025 $14.02 0.02% 1.89%
Linc $27.21 0.02% 1.76%

Live Charts

Pending Allocations

Under development. For now, you may view Pending Allocations by going to "fantasy TSP" and selecting "Leaderboard sort" of "Pending Allocations".