TSP Contribution Limit

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TSP Contribution Limit

Post by managingts »

Just need to know if the 17,500 limit is employee contribution only or combined contribution of the employee and the government.

I saw a site, which I can't remember, that it's 17,500 combined. I can't seem to get an answer from my friend Google. lol

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Re: TSP Contribution Limit

Post by Relevant »

It is only the employee contribution limit.

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Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:31 pm

Re: TSP Contribution Limit

Post by dppecorajr »

The combined total of your tax-deferred traditional and Roth after-tax contributions (excluding catchup contributions) cannot exceed the elective deferral limit in any year. ($17,500)

Elective deferrals do not include Agency Automatic (1%) or Agency Matching Contributions because those contributions are not considered part of your pay.

For members of the uniformed services, they do not include traditional contributions from tax-exempt pay earned in a combat zone.
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Fund Prices2025-02-18

G $18.87 0.05% 0.62%
F $19.62 -0.36% 0.74%
C $97.00 0.26% 4.38%
S $95.15 0.44% 5.54%
I $44.75 0.62% 6.80%
L2070 $10.97 0.40% 5.34%
L2065 $18.52 0.40% 5.34%
L2060 $18.52 0.40% 5.34%
L2055 $18.52 0.40% 5.34%
L2050 $36.47 0.31% 4.52%
L2045 $16.55 0.29% 4.28%
L2040 $60.12 0.28% 4.04%
L2035 $15.78 0.26% 3.77%
L2030 $52.21 0.24% 3.49%
L2025 $14.04 0.13% 2.02%
Linc $27.25 0.12% 1.89%

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